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Industry News

Infineon 77GHz Radar Auto MCU In 2022

TC3A Infineon 77GHz MCU.jpeg

TC3A will address new automotive 77 GHz radar applications such as high-end corner radar systems for advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving.

Features include a new signal processing unit, 6MB of SRAM memory dedicated to radar and four TriCore processors running at 300 MHz with two additional lockstep cores.

TC3A’s signal processing unit, called the SPU 2.0, is an evolution of Infineon’s accelerator for radar processing with reduced latencies for FFT processing, extended capability for intereference mitigation and different modulation schemes allowing first-tier customers to improve radar resolution at lower cost.

The chip has a high-speed radar MMIC  interface operating at up to 600 Mbps and a Hardware Security Module (HSM) compliant with EVITA specification

With its TC39, TC35 and TC33 AURIX devices Infineon already offers a set of microcontrollers for long-range, mid-range and short-range radar application.

Each device has specific features enabling customers to address their different needs with performance and cost-optimized microcontrollers.

The new TC3A will extend this portfolio at the upper performance end.






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