Valued Components Limited
Valued Components Limited Provides A Whole Series Of Electronic Components And Semiconductors Including Integrated Circuits, Sensors, Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Inductors, Quart Crystals, Oscillators, Connectors, Cables, Displays, Switches, Bridge Rectifiers.

Industry News

Optical Sensors Expand Festo Range

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The Festo SOOD and SOOE laser and LED opto-electronic sensor product lines include diffuse sensors with background suppression, through-beam sensors, retro-reflective sensors, retro-reflective sensors for transparent objects, and laser contrast and distance sensors. SOOD integrated miniature sensors are suitable for object detection, especially in small, confined spaces. They have standardised sensor functions and reusable mounting accessories. The compact SOOE sensors offer all optical functions for object detection, says the distributor,  from through-beam to distance measurement and in an identical sensor housing for easy assembly.

The portfolio also includes VUVS heavy-duty pneumatic solenoid valves, such as the VUVS-L series, designed around a piston spool with sealing cartridge and offering a flow rate up to 2,300l/min, and the VUVS-LK series (pictured), which uses a piston spool with sealing ring and gives a flow rate up to 1,000l/min. In-line valves can be used as individual valves or manifold valves, and a wide range of mounting options is available.

A total of 10,000+ new products have added to the range available in the UK, Benelux, France, Germany and Italy.  According to Kristian Olsson, vice president of Industrial Automation and Control at RS, this vies for position as “perhaps the largest Festo offering of any high-service distributor. As a one-stop Festo shop, we can offer machine builders over 17,000 devices from a single supplier, saving them both time and money,” he said.






Add: 2A1110, Shine City, Longgang Blvd 1099, Longcheng Street, Longgang, Shenzhen 518172, China
