Valued Components Limited
Valued Components Limited Provides A Whole Series Of Electronic Components And Semiconductors Including Integrated Circuits, Sensors, Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Inductors, Quart Crystals, Oscillators, Connectors, Cables, Displays, Switches, Bridge Rectifiers.

Industry News

SiPearl Joins CXL Consortium

SiPearl, which is designing the microprocessor for the European exascale supercomputer, has joined the CXL Consortium, whose founding members are Alibaba, Cisco, Dell EMC, Facebook, Google, HPE, Huawei, Intel and Microsoft.


Together, they are developing the technical specifications for the CXL technology, which will be the future open high-performance protocol for interconnecting microprocessors, their devices (graphics processors, accelerators, etc.) and remote machines.

Based on the physical and electrical interface from PCI Express 5.0, CXL will enable better resource sharing between the processor’s memory space and memory on attached devices to deliver higher performance, a unified memory space, reduced software stack complexity and lower overall system costs, while ensuring compatibility with existing standards.

“Our membership of the CXL Consortium will help ensure excellence for our future clients, including major contracting authorities for high performance computing, by offering them a platform that is open to the major future standards for their industries”, explains Philippe Notton, SiPearl’s CEO and founder.

“We are supporting SiPearl with its membership of the CXL consortium and its strategy to position itself on the most open high-performance technologies. The close integration of its microprocessors with the best accelerators to arrive on the market will be a major innovation for exascale class supercomputers and beyond, offering more simplicity and performance, while remaining open and interoperable”, adds Jacques-Charles Lafoucrière, CEA DAM’s HPC Program Manager.






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