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Industry News

RISC-V Foundation Moves To Switzerland

The four year-old RISC-V Foundation is moving from Delaware to Switzerland to allay foreign members’ fears of possible disruption to their continued development of the open-source technology.  


The four year-old RISC-V Foundation is moving from Delaware to Switzerland to allay foreign members’ fears of possible disruption to their continued development of the open-source technology.  

Although the non-profit foundation does not own the technology, Calista Redmond (pictured) the foundation’s chief executive, says foreign members of the foundation have said they’d be ‘more comfortable’ if the foundation was not incorporated in the US.

The foundation has 325 members including Alibaba, Huawei and Qualcomm.

The foundation’s main work is in overseeing the setting of standards for the technology which was developed at UC Berkeley with DARPA funding. 

DARPA told Reuters that it provided the funding with the intention that the technology would be used worldwide.

There have been noises from US politicians that they are concerned about the Chinese working on RISC-V which may have precipitated the fears which led to the move to Switzerland.






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