Valued Components Limited
Valued Components Limited Provides A Whole Series Of Electronic Components And Semiconductors Including Integrated Circuits, Sensors, Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Inductors, Quart Crystals, Oscillators, Connectors, Cables, Displays, Switches, Bridge Rectifiers.

Industry News

TI Humidity Sensor

Texas Instruments has introduced a low-drift humidity sensor, the first in a family.


For the device – HDC3020, or HDC3020-Q1 for the automotive version – the company is claiming “<0.21% relative humidity accuracy drift per year and less than 5% relative humidity drift from temperature and humidity stress, tested up to 85% relative humidity and 85°C”.

Again emphasising accuracy, the company said that the parts are “verified with a procedure traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology across the supply voltage of 1.62 to 5.5V and the widest temperature and humidity range at ±1.5% relative humidity”.

Taking a look at the data sheet, which is new (18 Jun 2021) and covered in ‘TBD’ entries, accuracy is ±1.5% typical and ±2% max over 10 – 90% RH over 1.62V to 5.5V, but only at 25°C. There there are no accuracy figures given across -40 to +125°C.

There are multiple low-power operating modes, although the data sheet has a few blanks in their parameters. Active power consumption is typically 125μA or 100μA in modes 0 and 3 respectively, then sleep typically drops this to 400 to 550nA depending on mode.

As the device cycles though sampling and sleeping, averaged figures are typically between 700nA and 2μA.

A 30mA heater is available to remove condensation.

A couple of other devices are mentioned. While HDC3020 has no protection over the air inlet to the sensor element:

HDC3021 comes with factory-installed polyimide tape covering the opening against PCB soldering, PCB wash and conformal coating.

HDC3022 has a permanent IP67-rated hydrophobic PTFE filter cover over the opening to the humidity sensor “designed to adhere to the package over lifetime operation while
maintaining the same response time as a sensor without the membrane”, said TI. “The cover has a filtration efficiency of 99.99% down to a particle size of 100nm.”

Pre-production versions of the HDC3020 and HDC3020-Q1 are available

Applications are foreseen in cold-chain data loggers, wireless environmental sensors and IP network cameras.







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