Valued Components Limited
Valued Components Limited Provides A Whole Series Of Electronic Components And Semiconductors Including Integrated Circuits, Sensors, Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Inductors, Quart Crystals, Oscillators, Connectors, Cables, Displays, Switches, Bridge Rectifiers.

Industry News

ADI Buys Test Motors

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ADI has bought Test Motors of Barcelona which specialises in predictive maintenance of electric motors and generators.  

Test Motors offers products and services that detect faults in electric motors before they cause damage to production cycles and advises on how and when to repair them.

The acquisition expands ADI’s portfolio of condition-based monitoring solutions capable of identifying equipment faults before downtime and catastrophic failure occur.

This acquisition builds on Analog Devices’ 2018 addition of OtoSense, a startup that developed “sensing interpretation” software able to learn and recognize sounds or vibration and identify potential problems in a factory machine or a car’s engine before they become severe.

OtoSense’s AI platform is dedicated to sensing interpretation and enabling the monitoring of any asset, wherever located.

ADI  plans to combine software from OtoSense with Test Motors monitoring capabilities to create solutions that offer an advanced, holistic snapshot of machine health by capturing a wider breadth of potential faults. 






Add: 2A1110, Shine City, Longgang Blvd 1099, Longcheng Street, Longgang, Shenzhen 518172, China
